“Stories are what make us human and connect us to one another and to the places we belong to.”

-Siri Linn Brandsøy & Suneeta Rani Gill

In Norsk and Vedic traditions, the Sunken Bank is the home of Saga, the goddess of story and poetry and the keeper of histories. Some say it is located in the depths of waters, under the waves, and serves as a portal to other lifeworlds.

Living at the edge of the sea, where waves and glaciers over millennia have shaped the islands, mountains and fjords, deep mappers and storytellers Siri Linn Brandsøy and Suneeta Rani Gill dreamed Sunken Bank into being. Florø-based artists with roots in Norway, Punjab, the UK, and Turtle Island, they trained as visual anthropologists at the Granada Centre for Visual Anthropology (The University of Manchester). They use moving and still image, sound, and research to document and reflect human experiences of place and our deep connection to nature.


Photo by Tarjei Langeland